
2008: The Year of the Latino.

I love that headline! Although, I've thought every year was the "Year of the Latino". My girlfriend Carol sent the crew and I this article from Diversity Inc. magazine to check out.

I'm not a big politico by any means, and I also haven't decided who I'm voting for. The only reason I even watch CNN, MSNBC or any other news channel is because of the Pupu. He even has BBC news programed into my DVR! How dare he! But because the news is always on when he's over, I've actually watched the debates, interviews and what people like Tim Russert have to say.

A lot of the article makes me laugh, because my family has always been BIG Republicans. I know...GASP! There has always been an assumption that if you are a minority, your are a Democrat. So not true. But who knows. Maybe this is the year those Garcia's swing to the other-side! I know I'm leaning that way.

I tell ya...the Latinos are takin' over!

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