
The Sewing Expo and Migraines.

No, the two have no correlation. I actually had a great time at the Sewing Expo! I just happened to get a migraine that morning...that didn't leave until last night. Ouch! So many expensive Relpax migraine pills were ingested these last few days, and I'm finally exiting my Relpax-induced haze. Which is actually a fun place to be, as long as I'm at home and in bed!

I learned a lot at the Expo, and even found a great pattern for some pants my mom is going to make for me!

For awhile now I've been wanting to learn how to knit. I have 2 fabulous books, and now a huge spool of Pendleton wool that my mom bought me to practice with. Next step...I need to find a 'knitting for beginners' class.

I also came across a fun technique I want to try on some t-shirts. It's basically silk screening on fabric (like above), but I can come up with my own designs and make it funky! I want to overlap and layer designs. Can't wait to try!

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