
I feel like Rodney Dangerfield!

I registered to take a class at Clover Park today, which means I'm going...Back to School! It's just one class, but still. I'm going through the motions of registering, getting my parking pass, i.d. card etc, and I am so grateful that I did all this years (14 to be exact!) ago.

It should be an interesting class. I'm taking a HTML and Dreamweaver course. Not my favorite thing, but it must be done. I've already taken a Flash class, but sheesh...all that coding is HARD! What the heck does all that code mean anyways! My old, right-side dominant brain does not process that language.

Although, I do like that there aren't tons of books and notepads that I have to haul to and from class like I did back in the day. It's so wrong, but I really want this USB Flash drive! The Kitty and I have been friends since the 70's and I love how she's evolved with the times. She'll fit right in with all the lip gloss in my purse.

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